Beth's Beauty Center AS
I booked a facial treatment with Ulthera at Beth's Beauty Medical Spa. Had the same Ulthera treatment a couple of years ago elsewhere by a very well known doctor. At BBC there was no doctor, only an aesthetician (or nurse) supposed to do the treatment. No pain medication or anything. The treatment hurt. Bad. And OMG, I really really want to forgive this woman and myself for the torture and scarring I received. She seemed unqualified nor have any experience with the thermage-machine. It seemed like it was her weapon on my face. How do I get over this? I have now a scar on my cheek area to remind me of this horrible torture that I paid for. I wish I can heal this scar and really forgive this person! My advice, love yourself enough to be content with what your really beauty from mother-nature is. Remember there is no competition for beauty because there is only one you. And you are the perfect version of yourself! Beware of clinics without professional doctors. Avoid the Beth's Beauty Center.
I went to Bunæs for botox for the first time. He did a terrible job. My entire forehead is frozen and my eyelids drooping so much I can hardly see. When I went back saying I was not pleased he was irritated and arrogant. He did not inform me that this is a "common" side effect, find out what medicine I was taking or anything. Afterwards I found out that antibiotics increase the effect of botox - and I was taking them at the time.
Jeg tok behandling hos Bunæs for noen år siden. Var ikke fornøyd men ble kastet på døren når jeg skulle klage. Har ellers hørt veldig varierende omtale av han. Veldig mye negativt, men en del positivt og. Så får man vel bare ta sjansen og håpe på at man blir en av de fornøyde hvis man går til Beths.
Herregud At Bunæs fortsatt får holde på er en gåte, lisensen hans skulle vært inndratt for lenge lenge siden! Han er så arrogant at det nesten ikke er til å tro. Hadde jeg bare ant dette før jeg la meg under kniven hos ham. Ser at han nå er på Beths. Styr unna den mannen!!!!