
Unfortunately I won't be able to speak to the actual services generally provided by this establishment. Because of the unfortunate first impression that was made when I was patronizing Delfin's next door (connected by the same building). I didnt see any clear signage to indicate which parking was for each establishment so I parked my car in the spot closest the taco place. I them went in and asked the owner of Delfine's and she said i needed to move a little and showed me where. When i went out to move my vehicle, the owner's of the Spa had just pulled in which I was relieved to see, so that i could ask them about the parking as well. On my er of Delfine's seemed to suddenly take on a lot of anxiety and urged me not to upset the woman. As I exited the building to change parking spots, it became clear that the woman was yelling and screaming at me, but it was honestly too belligerent to be audible. Next thing I knew she yelled one last thought, something to indicate that I'd be sorry I disrespected her. The man, who I could only assume was her husband was still there, so I asked what I had done wrong, apologized for the mistake and then asked him where the correct spot was. He pointed me into another spot and I moved my car into it. As I was re-entering the building the restaurant owner indicated that the people next door were on the phone for me. At this point, you can only imagine that I'm throwing my arms up trying to figure out what on earth is going on and why it is causing so much anger. Anyway, long story short, regardless of where I was parked now I was told that I was going to be towed still to teach me a lesson to not disrespect respectable business owners. I'm really not going to elaborate on what I think she was attempting to imply with that statement, but I'm well into my adulthood, so it wasn't that. Anyway, from the rest of the rant I gathered that she seemed to feel that the 'people' next door and their customers were scumming up her otherwise classy establishment. I actually would have agreed that her spa seemed nice and I was even thinking of trying it, but after this scene that was made of a simple mistake which was quickly corrected. I simply give this rating based on lack of professionalism, low tolerance and understanding and for the simple fact that I have some serious concerns about the overall tone of that incident and the suspect way the spa owner seemed to keep referring to "those people" next door. I can't tell people what to believe, but i am not going to support an establishment who's owner's would treat anyone that way for anything, especially something so trivial.