Modern Cleansing Wellness
My experience at Modern Cleansing Wellness was absolutely stellar. First, I was late due to a traffic gridlock beyond my control, and the receptionist was very understanding when I called this in. Second, when I got lost getting there (my fault, ultimately), and was even later, I was patiently given directions. Upon arrival, I found the office to be comfortable, clean, and pleasing in appearance. I was greeted by the owner herself, a pleasant, professional woman named Beth, and from there, I was quickly and efficiently seen to. From there, the services rendered were not only highly effective and showed almost immediate results, but were delivered with great care, humanity, and concern. I cannot think of a single improvement to be made, nor a single con. In fact, my treatment at Modern Cleansing Wellness can only be described as exceptional. What started as a singular visit for a colonic treatment, soon inspired me to ask for additional services, so pleased was I with the initial colonic's immediate, drastic results (I literally felt reborn). And, to my pleasure, Beth readily obliged my request, despite it meaning staying hours past closing time. My experience there, being so personally rejuvenating as well as highly satisfying from a clinical perspective, can only be described as heavenly. Throughout, my evening at Modern Cleansing stands out in my mind as an hours-long pampering, peppered with wonderful, enlightening conversation from a wonderful practitioner. To top it off, I was not even charged extra for this invaluable battery of care. If I could give more stars, I would, for the facility, the services, and the owner herself. I was truly blessed by my visit. My gratitude is beyond words.
unfailingly courteous, pleasant, competent, informative and very hands-on
I think Beth Good is extremely knowledgeable about the services she provides to the public. I met with her for over an hour before my first visit. She and her staff will put you at ease and answer any questions you have regardless of how silly you might think they are. She is compassionate and passionate about what she does. It is a relaxing atmosphere, and might I say you feel absolutely wonderful when you leave. I highly recommend her business. Pricing for the kind of treatment you receive professionally and personally is great. Try it!!!!! September 2011